
41 Hess Hybrid Concertina ca. 1940. En av mange forsøk på å kombinere flere kjente systemer. Høyre side er unisonore knapper organisert som pianoklaviatur, venstre side er 13 bisonore og to unisonore knapper i tre rader. Bandonion-type ståltunger (rektangulære), naglet til felles zink toneplater. To kor, 8’ + 8’ i diskant (tremolo-stemt) og 8’ + 16’ i bass. Celluloid kledning. 29 (diameter) x 35 (length compressed) cm

41 Hess Hybrid Concertina ca. 1940. One of many attempts to combine well-known systems. This large size hexagonal concertina has piano-key unisonoric buttons on the right hand side and 13 bisonor and 2 unisonor buttons in three rows on the left hand side. Bandonion-type (rectangular) steel reeds riveted to common zink reed plates. Dual voice, diskant 8’ + 8’ (tremolo tuned) and bass 8’ + 16’. Celluloid veneer.  29 (diameter) x 35 (length compressed) cm

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