25 Bandonion ELA, ca 1940. To kor, 8’ + 8’. 120 toner, Einheitsbandoneon. Ståltoner naglet på felles aluminiumsplater. Syntetiske knapper, belegg i celluloid. 24 x 26 x 32 cm
25 Bandonion ELA, ca 1940. To kor, 8’ + 8’. 120 toner, Einheitsbandoneon. Ståltoner naglet på felles aluminiumsplater. Syntetiske knapper, belegg i celluloid. 24 x 26 x 32 cm
25 Bandonion ELA, ca 1940. Dual voice, 8’ + 8’. 120 toner, Einheitsbandoneon. Steel reeds riveted to common aluminum reedplates. Synthetic buttons, celluloid veneer. 24 x 26 x 32 cm
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